Strawberry Peak

Strawberry Peak

Loop is 16 mile
Loop + out & back to Josephine Pk is 18 miles – 3,500 ft elevation gain

This loop circumnavigates Strawberry Peak. We start at Clear Creek where it’s easy to find parking. We start running on the Josephine Fire Rd, Strawberry Spur trail, Colby Canyon trail, Strawberry Peak trail, Gabrielino Trail and finish the run on the Nature’s Canteen trail.

OPTION: we can run an short out&back or little loop to Josephine Peak (adding about 3 miles).

Red Box at mile 10.5 has water fountains and bathrooms

Very enjoyable loop, nothing too steep or technical, a little longer but that makes up for the longer drive out. Bring enough water and calories. Don’t underestimate running at higher altitude, it’s harder than on sea level and you’ll burn more calories. This entire loop is all between 4,000ft-6,000ft altitude, nothing crazy but it still a lung and leg burner.

ADVENTURE PASS: for the National Forest we need an adventure pass. Same one we use at Chantry. Buy at your local REI, Big5, etc…
GAS up your car before you head up the mountain!

The event is finished.


Oct 17 2021


7:00 am


Clear Creek, Tujunga, CA 91042
US forest service, fire station

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