The Trail Runners Club meets every Sunday to run on beautiful courses in the Santa Monica mountains away from the noise, smells and dangers of urban Los Angeles. Most courses consist of a combination of fire roads and single-track trails. We have over 40 different courses so we take a new route almost every week. Most courses are between 8 and 15 miles. We have members from all walks of life and at every skill level. All courses are clearly marked specifically for our run so you don't have to worry about getting lost! We mark every possible turn off, so if you come across an unmarked intersection you probably missed a turn. Just back track until you find the turn off.
If you like to run with others that's great! There are lots of members at different paces that would love some company. If you like to run alone, that's great too! Just follow the arrows and you won't get lost.
After each run, we relax while waiting for everyone to get back and have refreshments. Members are encouraged to bring something to share.
So you're ready to get started? We thought so! Read the guidelines then show up at the right time at the right place which is in the course description of the day. Bring along a completed application waiver and water. We'll see you there! :)
3 Easy Steps To Get Started

• These are hilly and strenuous courses. They are on mountain trails and unpaved fire roads. These are not races, but rather fun and training runs, scenic and challenging!
• First run is Free. After that Club membership fee is $35.00 for one individual and $55.00 for a family membership. Payable via UltraSignup.
• The group meets directly at the trail head. See Run With Us page. Please see the event detail page for map and parking instructions.
• Bring your own water, there is none on the trails. All runners must carry adequate water to stay hydrated especially during warm weather. You can't compare road miles with trail miles.
• Refreshments are usually provided at the finish by all participating runners as a potluck. On occasion, we meet for breakfast after the run at a designated restaurant.
• There are rattlesnakes, coyotes, ticks, and possibly mountain lions in these areas. There are also areas of poison oak.
• Trailhead meeting times are listed in the schedule.
• Runs will take place rain or shine (major storms are excepted).
• New runners, please print the application/waiver on this website, fill it in, sign it, and bring it with you the first time you run with the group.
• You must sign in with the Group Leader prior to running or have notified them in advance of your early start.
• On shorter runs, those interested can run the course twice. If the course is a point to point you may choose to start early at the finish, run to the start and join the group, and run back to the finish. Please advise the Group Leader and let other club members know, for they may want to join you.
• If you prefer trying a run before paying the yearly dues, just fill out the membership application/waiver and you may send the membership dues after the run to confirm you enjoy the activity. The application and waiver must be filled out and signed prior to running. Preferably the dues will be paid with the application.
• Members will abide by and respect all rules pertaining to trail usage, including all designated signs and posted regulations, during any and all club runs and functions.
• If you are sensitive to Poison Oak: On those trails where it is found, you first want to try your best not to touch any Poision Oak plants. Wearing long pants will protect your skin. After the run: washing and scrubbing your exposed skin thoroughly with soap and the product called "Tecnu" (at your local pharmacy) will help washing the plant oils off. Also keep in mind that your shoes might have Poison Oak on them also.
• The period of membership is from January 1st until December 31st each calendar year.
• If you are concerned about joining our group, the length of the runs, the demands of the trails, or any other subject, please send us a message via the contact page and we'll get back to you ASAP.