Los Liones to Parker Mesa Overlook to Trippet and back

Los Liones to Parker Mesa Overlook to Trippet and back

Distance: 13.5 miles
Elevation gain: 2,619 ft 

An out & back route to Trippet Ranch where you can refill your water bottles and use the luxurious clean bathrooms before heading back. The trail starts with climbing steeply for 4 miles, the first 1.5 through lush vegetation and ivy covered trees, the second part on fire road. There is a 0.5 mile diversion to the Parker Mesa Overlook with a bathroom on the corner, it has beautiful views of the ocean and the Santa Monica Bay. Strongly recommend to make the extra detour with clear skies.
We are parking in the first parking lot with bathrooms you see on your right after turning into Los Liones Drive (off Sunset Blvd)

There will be NO marking.

The event is finished.


Aug 07 2022


7:00 am


Los Leones first parking lot
Los Leones trail head

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