Mt. Baldy loop

Mt. Baldy loop

11 mile loop (with option to add more)
+ 4,000 ft elevation gain

We start extra early (at 6am!) because it gets really busy here.

No marking, this is an extra run in addition to our regular Sunday runs.

Starting at Manker Flats, passing by the San Antonio Falls, a little less than a mile we move onto a single track technical trail on our left, the Ski Hut Trail, that will get our hearts pounding the moment we set foot on it. Rapidly we’ll reach the Ski Hut (8200′) and cross the Baldy  bowl. There are a couple of places where the trail is a little difficult to find, but if you look for the obvious, you should be able to manage. The last mile to the top is a butt-kicker.
We come out at the Mount San Antonio pk. with an elevation of 10,064ft. After making the obligatory pictures you can make a short trip to West Baldy on the left. Then you head back to Mt. San Antonio pk. and continue on the Devils Backbone Trail that is technical, steep with lots of loose rocks, take it easy and make sure to stop and enjoy the views! After 3.2miles we will have reached the Mt.Baldy Notch, here you can refill your packs in the restaurant bathrooms and even buy a snack or two. From there we head back on the Miners Bowl trail and Manker Canyon road, these are fire dirt roads that will bring you back to where we started quickly.

The event is finished.


Jun 01 2024


6:00 am


Manker Flats, Mount Baldy
993 Falls Rd, Mt. Baldy, CA 91759

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